343-775-2024 info@healerstouch.ca

Who we are

Our company’s name is Healer’s Touch and our website address is: http://healerstouch.ca.

The company “Healer’s Touch” may be hereafter referred to as “we” or “us”, while third party companies that we refer to may be referred to as “them” or “they”. The client or customer may hereafter be referred to as “you”.

Suitability of Use Of The Service

No guarantees are being given about the suitability of use of the healing service or the initial consultation for any particular purpose to the extent that is permitted by law.

The client or customer is to understand that the service is therefore being offered on an “As-is” basis.

Testimonials On Our Pages


The testimonials are either real testimonials provided by our clients or they are testimonials of the healer, as he/she saw understood an actual situation. They aren’t necessarily witnessed to by the actual clients – and their names and images and may have been changed to keep client confidentiality.
