343-775-2024 info@healerstouch.ca

Treatment Insurance Coverage

To find out if our treatments are covered, ask your insurance company or employer, as all health plans are different. Nowadays, some insurances allow up to certain amounts for your discretionary spending on various forms of alternative healing modalities.

If our holistic health treatment is not covered, Healer’s Touch would encourage you ask your insurance company or employer to include our practice in your coverage or find out what is involved in getting such coverage. Often, if your insurance will allow you to request a new coverage (ask to find out) – they will require that you pay up front for the service and then request coverage.

You might need to ensure that you address the following issues when contacting your insurance company:

– adding our practice to your coverage
– how our practice addresses any ailments or injury you have
– how your current treatments have helped your overall work performance or well-being
– how this helps you be a better employee

You will likely need to write a letter to your insurance provider presenting the above information – and they will then use this to take your bill for this type of work into consideration.

Let Us Know

If you end up following the above procedure and wish to find out about insurance coverage of our service by your insurance company or by your employer – inform us of your intent, so that we will be prepared to answer any questions they might have about our practice.

Any private information regarding your specific treatment will be kept strictly confidential, unless indicated otherwise by you.