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What is the “energy” in energy healing?

The “energy” used in energy healing has been called “putative” energy – as in – it is imaginary… While we can view things with our eyes – this could also be called imaginary – but, it is not. Our human bodies are actually energy moving and manipulating machines. The problem with calling what we do, when we sense “energy” as physical energy is that we build tools that measure precisely one facet of energy in isolation.

Take for instance, taste: we can measure taste with our tongue, but it is well known that our olfactory organ (our nose), is involved in the measurement of taste. A similar argument is applicable when we consider our ability to measure heat – we know not to touch a hot stove – a precise number to quantify the heat is not something we can likely generate, that can compete with the simplest of tools we could create to measure heat.

When we use touch, we can sense temperature, but we also simultaneously sense pressure as well as the smoothness of the surface that is touching us. So, this possibly contributes to the “feel” that we get, when we touch other bodies.

This contributes to the fact that what we call “energy” when we say we feel the energy from someone else – is something that isn’t measureable in physics – but, it is nevertheless very real. This contributes to the advantage of an energy healer over those who use precise measurements in medical facilities. The measurement is one human being measuring the effect on another human being.

Is it perfect – it isn’t perfect by a long stretch – one human to the next, might measure things with different thoughts on the “feel” – but, this is what an energy healer has to work with when working on people. Pain, discomforts and disturbances in the human body is yet something that western medicine still has a long way to go to address. So, alternative medicine of the form of energy healing might be one viable way in which people will tackle their health issues.