(613) 262-9168 info@healerstouch.ca

The Pathology of Pain

This article is to be understood that it follows the potentially unique view of the healer at Healer’s Touch – which is a product of the Healer’s Journey. Click the link to find out more about a “Healer’s Journey”. Pain Pathology...

A Healer’s Journey

An energy healer’s journey explores the subtle connection between the mind and the body. Some healers gain understanding through their own struggles with health, while yet others learn through formal training. The unique paths they take shape how they approach...

What is “Energy” in Energy Healing

The “energy” in energy healing is often called “putative” energy, meaning it is not currently measurable by conventional scientific tools. Some dismiss it as imaginary, but that would be like calling our vision imaginary simply because we experience it through our...

The Ideal Pain

Do all pains react the same and all disappear with this form of healing… The answer is NO. I do need to be able to get the pain to be reproduced by the individual my presence for about 10-15 seconds – or alternatively meet the individual, when they are...

My Story

I consider myself an extremely good meditant and a healer in learning, but I wasn’t always this way… When I was young – I suffered from severe psoriasis on my hands, and I suffered from the occasional stomach cramps and so on… I was very aware...

How Crystals Work in Healing

Healing crystals are stones – some are artificial, while most of them are cut from various stones found all over the world. These stones often feel cool to the touch and have some neat features and colours. While I have a small collection of crystal wands and...