Some Tips To Help Review Us
We try hard to find excellent clients to serve just like yourself and so it is important to us to have your experience written up – so that other people who require service can figure out what to expect…
Reviewing us should not take more than a couple of minutes to do and it is as easy as following the links below.
For those who would like some thoughts to write on, here are some:
– what issues did you come to have us help you with
– how did you feel about our professionalism
– did you feel we addressed the issue you came looking for a solution for
– other thoughts you would like to share with others
Review Sites
We occasionally try to keep this list updated:
Google Review:
Google reviews can be done through the google maps app, or a web browser – you can open the app, find healer’s Touch and then click the reviews link – where you should be able to post a review. Or alternatively, just point your web browser at and follow the same process. If you have visited us on a desktop or tablet – you can follow the link below to post a review.
With a tablet, you will need to request the desktop site by clicking on the dots in the browser’s menu and selecting “request desktop site”. With a laptop or desktop you will get sent directly to the review box.
We will have a “find us on Yelp” badge here soon.