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Basics Of Meditation

Basics Of Meditation

As Always: The explanation is going to vary from healer to healer – Each healer will have his/her own way at looking at what transpires in the human mind. Prelude Energy is found everywhere – it is found in different forms, and includes what we need to...

Blockages – What are they?

    The explanation is going to vary from healer to healer – as it is the mind that creates many of the internally occuring health issues… The average individual doesn’t really know what to look for – so they aren’t to blame for this...

My Story

I consider myself an extremely good meditant and a healer in learning, but I wasn’t always this way… When I was young – I suffered from severe psoriasis on my hands, and I suffered from the occasional stomach cramps and so on… I was very aware...

How Do Crystals Work in Healing?

Healing crystals are stones – some are artificial, while most of them are cut from various stones found all over the world. These stones often feel cool to the touch and have some neat features and colours. While I have a small collection of crystal wands and...